Love it
This is a good game for if yoy just get a vr set it feels real and scary you might feel a littile dizzy after so yea the only problem about this vr cardboard game is that there ia not that that many thinga you can do un this game so if your could add more playthourghs this game would be 100 times better than it already is yea so yea that is everything i have to say 10 out if 10 i reccomend that you download this game it will be better it haa any updates on new things this is one of the first th
I love this u made a very cool game I played it with my vr iris very good
Unable to walk don't know why...
Good app
Good I love vrs
Its good
Oh dude this was so cool and scary at the same time because I played this with my VR Headset and it felt so real. It did make me dizzy and sick afterwards though. Was still fun.
It's really fun and it need to load fastest
Amazing I play it a lot